Customer insight is understood as the secret thoughts that customers do not say, which play a very important role in ensuring successful marketing campaigns. Different individuals, organizations, or projects will have different ways of finding insight. Let’s find out with Metard the 3 most popular methods of finding customer insights through the article below!
- Truth – Tension – Motivation Model
An insight that has all 3 elements of truth, tension, and motivation will usually be a good insight. In there:
- Truth is the truth brands understand about consumers.
- Tensions are the inner conflicts that cause them problems.
- Motivation: What is their motivation for the brand to know the hit point that makes them most affected?
An insight that has all 3 elements will usually be a good insight. However, it is not mandatory that a good insight contains both motivation and tension, only one of the two can still be a good insight.
An example of the Truth–Tension–Motivation model of OMO
Mothers in Asia often believe that dirty is not good and always object to dirt and everything that makes them feel unhygienic.
There must be something that makes smudging more understandable and tolerable for tough moms in the Asian region. Therefore, OMO brings a very creative insight: “Dirty is good”—because children will not hesitate to have fun and learn, not be afraid to get dirty, and only they can draw valuable lessons from this life.
- The Insight: Mom knows getting dirty is a way for you to discover and absorb valuable lessons in life, but Mom is afraid to wash stubborn stains.
- Truth: Mom knows that getting dirty is a way for children to discover and absorb valuable lessons in life.
- Tension: Mom knows, but Mom is afraid to wash stubborn stains.
- Motivation: Mom wants her children to grow up learning and absorbing valuable life lessons.
- 3C truth Model (Consumer truth, Company/Brand Truth, and Category truth)
The 3C Truth model includes Category Truth (Truth about the category), Company Truth (or Brand Truth—truth about brands) and Consumer Truth (truth about consumers). In there:
- Category Truth is the answer to the questions: What is the nature of the category? Why does this industry exist? What needs does it solve for consumers?
- Company Truth (Brand Truth) is a brand’s view of an aspect, an issue in that industry. Brand Truth is made up of the product’s best feature, which fills an important need of the target consumer.
- Consumer Truth refers to consumer concerns, desires, dreams, and motivations in the context of the industry that the brand can best solve, or at least better than the competition.
The intersection of these three truths is called “consumer insight”. The separation of each of the above elements helps marketers get an overview of the industry, brands, and consumers, thereby finding the most suitable insight for their company’s products or brands.
An Example of Biti’s Hunter’s 3C truth model
- Company truth (or Brand Truth): Move inspiration (inspiration to move, discover new lands)
- Category Truth: Shoes are indispensable in every trip
- Consumer Truth: Young people always want to go far, seeking new experiences in new lands.
Therefore, Biti’s has identified an extremely valuable insight of customers: We always like to travel far to experience new things, but the further we go, the more we feel the meaning of family and appreciate “return”.
- 3D Model (Direction, Discovery, and Double Check)
The 3D model includes Direction, Discovery, and Double Check. which can be understood as follows:
- Direction (What is the customer doing?): Identify the audience you need to find insight into, then determine the appropriate research method (group interview, in-depth interview, observation, etc.).
- Discovery (Why are they doing it?) Ask questions that explore why deeply until you uncover some revelations that appear actionable.
- Double Check (Do they wow?): Is this insight fresh, insightful, or not? Is it right for the target audience? Is it clear enough (focusing on a single motivator or barrier?)
Example 3D Model
We can use deep questioning to find out the psychology and behavior of mothers who are giving their children oral yogurt.
The questions asked of mothers were as follows:
- Question: Why do you let your children drink yogurt?
- Answer: Because I heard that drinking yogurt has many good bacteria for digestion.
- Question: Ordinary yogurt also has beneficial bacteria. Why do you choose to drink yogurt?
- Answer: Because drinking yogurt is so easy, just open it and drink it.
- Question: Why is the convenience of drinking yogurt important to you?
- Answer: Because I want to keep my children healthy, but I am too busy and my child is too young to be very active, rarely sitting in one place until he shovels a box of yogurt. So drinking yogurt is the best solution for me.
Therefore, we can see that the mother’s insight is always interesting and wants to use yogurt products that are beneficial to her baby’s health, but she is busy and has to “deal” with the hyperactivity of her children. When it comes to children, mothers often choose the most time-saving products.
The methods outlined above are just some of the most common methods for businesses to determine the right customer insight for their brand. Hopefully, with the information that the article provides, you can accumulate knowledge and lessons to be able to develop for your business or product. Don’t forget to follow Metald’s website to stay up to date with useful information!