
6 blockchain features that you should know…
6 blockchain features that you should know…

Blockchain technology provides much more than just a cryptocurrency backup network. What essential characteristics of blockchain, then, make it so compelling? Why is it becoming so well-liked? To find out the answers to these questions, let’s delve a little more into the characteristics of blockchain in this guide. Decentralized The network is decentralized, which means […]

What is customer insight? Example of customer insights
What is customer insight? Example of customer insights

In an era when customers have more and more choices about products and services, it is extremely important to capture customer insight, a challenge for businesses to constantly update and research. So what is customer insight? Let’s find out through the article below! What is customer insight?  Customer Insight is (finding a way to) deeply […]

What is a potential Customer insight?
What is a potential Customer insight?

The explosion of popular marketing campaigns means the projects that appear later will face great challenges. How to have completely new campaigns that reach the right customer files? That answer is Customer Insights. Before going into the main content, let’s find out what customer insight is, as well as the definitions shared by experienced people! […]

How well do you know about web3? What makes it different from web1 and web2?
How well do you know about web3? What makes it different from web1 and web2?

How well do you know about web3? What makes it different from web1 and web2? Web3 is a keyword that has attracted a lot of attention lately. So what is Web3 and does Web3 really have the potential to change the kernel in the future? Before diving into what web3 is, let’s learn about the […]

What is Leverage in Blockchain?
What is Leverage in Blockchain?

Have you ever heard of the “Leverage” term while trading Cryptocurrencies? Let us introduce and explain to you through this article.  What is a leverage transaction in blockchain?  Leverage is the use of borrowed funds to build trades in the crypto market. With leveraged trading, you can increase your ability to buy or sell, which […]

Marketing in Crypto and Traditional Market: What are the differences?
Marketing in Crypto and Traditional Market: What are the differences?

Blockchain technology will be the future of the world, this is confirmed after Metard has done countless projects for many clients in the Blockchain field. We have found many new breakthroughs compared to the traditional marketing activities that companies are currently using: The underlying technology and language used to describe blockchain is complex Similar to […]